Sunday, 23 September 2012

What's Involved in Having a Merchant Account - Business

Online, it's a no-brainer. More customers will buy from you if you accept credit cards.

Customers have gotten used to instant gratification, and if you can't offer a way to make a safe, secure, and immediate transaction most of them will do business with someone who can.

It's true that you can accept credit cards without a merchant account, using online services such as Paypal. But these services require users to register, log on, and jump through many additional hoops.

Merchant accounts are the safest, most convenient form of online payment processing available. However, not all merchant accounts are created equally.

If you're considering merchant account services, you need to understand how online credit card transactions function, and how fees are typically structured. By knowing what to expect, you can find the merchant account service that best fits your situation.

One of the first things you need to understand is that a merchant account can involve several different services. Some business owners put together a patchwork of different service providers. But a one-stop shop, such as Ensight Merchant Services, can save you a lot of extra expense and confusion.

If you're a retailer with a brick-and-mortar store, you'll usually have a credit card terminal that links you directly to your merchant account.

However, in order to accept credit cards online you'll need a payment gateway and a service to integrate your gateway with your website, shopping cart, or whatever system you plan to use to accept credit cards online.

The payment gateway allows you to accept a customer's payment information, and also validates the information prior to sending it on. The information is transmitted to your merchant account itself, where the transaction is processed.

All of these services have to be seamlessly integrated in order for you to accept credit card transactions. That's why it's helpful to have a single merchant services provider who can handle it all for you.

Different merchant account providers charge different fees, which makes it hard to compare your costs without doing some heavy number crunching and a little bit of guesswork.

The fees you can usually expect to pay are an application fee, a fixed monthly fee, discount rates, transaction fees, termination fees, and miscellaneous fees.

Not all merchant account providers will charge you an application fee, and if you can find one that meets your other needs, this is a good way to reduce your startup costs.

On top of this, there's a monthly fee that's fixed, regardless of the number or amount of sales you make.

Your "discount rate" and transaction fee will vary each month, and they depend on several factors.

The transaction fee is a fixed amount that you pay every time you process a credit card transaction. The discount rate is a small percentage of each sale, usually two to four percent.

This rate assumes the most simple, low risk transaction. But sometimes you'll have to pay a higher fee for credit card transactions that are considered to be complex or risky.

Merchant accounts for retailers will usually get the discount rate. The sale is made in person, with the buyer physically present, so the risk is low.

Online credit card transactions are another matter. When you're setting up a merchant account to accept credit cards over the internet, be sure to ask if you'll qualify for the discount rate. It's possible you won't qualify, and will have to pay a higher rate.

Many merchant account providers have a termination fee. Be sure to ask about this before you sign on. Termination fees will tie you to a merchant service provider who may not be the one best suited to you.

There are many merchant services out there, and it's possible your first choice won't turn out to be your best choice. A termination fee just makes it more costly to switch, and it's usually worthwhile to avoid merchant services which charge one.

You should also be aware of miscellaneous fees such as chargebacks and refunds. You'll only have to pay these on rare occasions, but it's important to be ready for them.

It pays to give your selection of a merchant account some thought. For example, if you sell big-ticket items you'll usually be better off with a merchant account service that charges a smaller percentage of each sale, even if the fixed costs are higher. Likewise, for a new business that may start out slow, you'll probably prefer to keep your fixed costs down.

Starting a new business or expanding your current one can be exhilarating and exhausting. By knowing how the fees are assessed on your merchant account, you can avoid unexpected charges and make a smooth, profitable transition.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Free Credit Report Scores Online - Checking Your Credit Scores Online Is Easy! - Finance - Credit

Many people understand the value of regularly monitoring their credit report scores. Identity theft affects millions annually. Furthermore, credit report score errors can result in credit card or loan denials. Sadly, many people do not take the necessary precautions to safeguard their credit. There are many ways to protect our credit. To begin, you should make a habit of checking your report every six months.

Why Check Your Credit Report Score Online?

Checking your free credit report score online is the first step to protecting your credit rating. It does not take long for someone to steal your identity. Within a few weeks, a thief may have attained several credit card or credit accounts in your name; and these accounts will appear on your credit report score.

The Purpose of Personal Credit Report Scores

A person's credit worthiness is judged by information included in their credit report score. When applying for any type of credit, lenders will review your credit score or full credit report. The credit scores are often reviewed by retailers and lenders that offer instant credit. However, if you are hoping to obtain a major credit card, auto loan, major purchase, or mortgage, the credit lender will request a detail copy of your credit report & scores.

What Is A Credit Report Score Used For?

Credit report scores include information such as number of credit accounts, balances, past due accounts, judgments, collection accounts, etc. Based on the information, a lender will determine whether you qualify for a loan. People with several negative scores, or credit report score errors, have a lower chance of getting approved and a higher chance of larger interest rate payment terms if accepted..

When Should I Check My Credit Report Scores?

However, creditors make mistakes. An example, a creditor may have failed to report a past due balance that was paid in full. By checking your credit report score every six months, you will be able to detect suspicious activity and resolve inaccuracies. For double credit protection, subscribe to a credit monitoring service. For a low monthly fee, these services notify subscribers whenever new credit accounts are opened in their name.

It's Easy To Review Your Online Credit Report Score

Checking your credit report score online is free and convenient. Various credit reporting companies offer free credit report scores online. Simply verify information such as your name, address, social security number, and within minutes you are able to gain access to your report. Reports are easy to read and viewable for a month.

Go to Check My Credit Report For for more information

10 Keys to Credit Card Processing - Business - Small Business

10 KeysInterchange Plus Pricing (IC Plus)This type of pricing used to be reserved for Fortune 500 companies. Not any more. Now, even Mom and Pop shops can take advantage of IC plus pricing savings. Banks are hesitant and sometimes outright refuse to give IC plus Pricing to small businesses because the banks are unable to maximize their profits. They would rather sell you the much more lucrative Enhanced BillBack or 3-Tier pricing, which is much more lucrative.

The recent Durbin Amendment makes it imperative that you switch to Interchange plus pricing to ensure you realize the cost reduction savings. Merchants that are not on interchange plus pricing will see their savings go to the processor, which is not compelled by law to lower the rates. (Please see Durbin Amendment Savings at the end for more details.)

There are many independent credit card processing organizations (ISO) that will offer you IC Plus pricing. You should take them up on their offer. There are many reputable ISO's in the market. Blindbid has prescreened the best ones on our site. They will give you the best deal available.

Why Interchange Plus Pricing?

As mentioned before, there are 440 different Visa/MasterCard/Discover Categories and you want each one of your sales transactions to qualify for the lowest possible rate category. IC Plus Pricing places each transaction in the appropriate category and charges the corresponding rate. No other pricing method does this.

IC Plus pricing is pretty simple. There are three components that make up your rate.

Interchange + Visa/MasterCard/Discover Assessment Fee + Processor Rate

Interchange consists of 440 rate categories. For most businesses, only about 60 categories will apply. That is still a lot. The range of rates varies widely from 0.95% + $0.10 for debit cards to 3.25% + $0.10 for certain corporate cards.

Assessment fee is the rate Visa/MasterCard/Discover charge for each transaction. Currently this fee is 0.11% + $0.02 and does not vary by card or transaction types.

The processor fee is the rate and/or transaction fees your processor charges. To get the final rate, you simply add up all the components.

Please remember in choosing your pricing method, you want to lower your effective rate. The rate range is more important than the lowest rate. 2. Know your Business Type Visa/MasterCard use pricing indicators or business types to apply discounts to your rates. In the beginning, Visa/MasterCard used to charge one rate for every industry. Some industries refused to accept credit cards because they thought the rates were too high and cut into the profit margin. Supermarkets were one of the biggest holdouts. So, Visa/MasterCard began offering discount rates to specific industries, card types, and processing methods. Your business may qualify for one of Visa/MasterCard's special programs. For example, if your business has an average transaction of less than $15, you may qualify for the small ticket program. If you are paying 1.64% + $0.25 per transaction now, then under the small ticket program you could get your rates as low as 1.65% + $0.04. Now your processor will probably t ack on another six cents to cover its costs. Still, you would save fifteen cents a transaction or 1.5% on a $10 transaction.

Visa/MasterCard has programs for most industries like restaurant, B2B, MOTO, quick serve restaurants, convenience store, hotel, gas stations, supermarkets, charities, insurance, utilities, government etc.

3. Get Set Up Properly Once you know your business type, make sure that you are processing under that correct business type to take advantage of the savings. You will need to call your processor and ask. If you are not set up properly, you need to find out why and fix it. Your processor may not have intentionally set you up under the wrong business type, but it has reaped a financial reward from you. This is why you need to constantly be pro active in accepting bids for your merchant services. Do not become complacent with your current provider because, like it not, many have their best interests at heart.

4. Know Your Card Mix and Average Transaction There are dozens of card types such as personal cards, rewards cards, corporate cards, debit cards, purchase cards. Each type of card has a direct impact on the rate that you pay. Having a break down of the card types effectively minimizes your processing charges.

If you are not sure of your card mix, your processor should have a website so that you can review your transactions. Some processors' websites provide in depth analyses of your transactions. Use this valuable information to your advantage.

Although IC Plus pricing offers the greatest savings for most businesses, there are some exceptions. For example if you accept 95% personal cards swiped through your credit card terminal, you would be better off with a low 3-Tier pricing. The reason is that you can predict that nearly all of your transactions will qualify at the lowest qualified rate and only a few transactions will qualify at the higher mid- and non-qualified rates.

Knowing your average transaction will save you money. You can find your average transaction on your statement or simply divide your monthly volume by the monthly number of transactions. This is important to know, because if your average transaction is below $15, you may qualify for the small ticket program. If you have a high average ticket, your business may benefit from pin debit savings. 5. Use Latest Technology A few years back, there was the story of the merchant who had purchased one of the first credit card terminals, the VeriFone Zon Jr. XL, which was very expensive. He had heard so many stories about his fellow merchants getting swindled on terminals that he vowed never to buy another terminal again.

One day a merchant services rep walked into his store and analyzed his statement. He noticed that his rates were extremely high. When he saw the Zon Jr. terminal, he realized that the obsolete equipment was the cause for the surcharges. The sales rep tried to convince the merchant that to save money he needed new equipment. Another factor to consider is PCI Compliance. PCI Compliance is the credit card processing industry's program to eliminate fraud by compelling merchants to follow their security regulations. Some older terminals are no longer PCI compliant and merchants who continue to use those terminals will face heavy fines if their terminals are compromised. 6. Review Your StatementsMost merchants seldom, if ever, review their statements on a monthly basis which is not a good idea. Do not expect your accountant to review and pick up irregularities from your statement as many CPA's are unfamiliar with statements.

When you look at the statement, look for any changes in rates and fees and any other irregularities.

April and October are the two months out of the year when you must review your statements. These months are when Visa/MasterCard Association meets to set rates for the year and when your rates are most likely raised. If they are raised, talk to your dedicated account executive or your processor's retention department and kindly ask them to lower your rates.7. Accept All Card Types and Transaction MethodsThere is an old adage in business - if you want more sales, make it as easy as possible for your customers to pay. That means accepting all the cards - Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, JCB and debit cards.

Some merchants refuse to accept American Express because the rate is too high. The question you need to ask yourself is if you mind paying the higher transaction costs to gain a sale or mind losing the sale to save on the higher transaction cost. If the former is more important to you, accept American Express.

If you are a retail business, ask your processor if they offer check guarantee. If you truly want to lower your transaction costs many check guarantee companies like Telecheck and Certegy offer rates below 1%. Then put up a sign that you welcome checks because some people still write checks.

8. Be In Contact With Your Account Executive Do you have a dedicated account executive? Do you know who your account executive is? If not, then you need to get a new processor with an account executive assigned to your business. There are so many changes occurring in credit card processing industry that you need to be pro active in your response. You need a go to guy to help you. That's your dedicated account executive.

A good merchant services account executive can help you analyze your statement; ensure that you are set up under the correct business type; help you decide the best pricing method; advise you on the latest technology; help you win charge backs; and, resolve other issues. 9. Get Multiple Bids for Card Processing Service When was the last time you had your statement analyzed? More importantly, when was the last time you even looked at your statement. If your business is like most businesses, 50 percent or more of your revenue is generated through credit card payments. It pays to know what you are paying and ensuring that you are not paying too much.

The best way to the best deal on credit card processing is to get multiple bids. When banks compete, "you win" is not just a slogan but good advice. Getting multiple bids may appear on the surface to be time consuming. With Blindbid, you receive multiple bids from the top processors in the industry, but only the lowest bidder will contact you.

10. Buy Value - Not Price There is a famous saying that goes "price is a one time thing, cost is ongoing." Many merchants are lured into bad processing agreements by artificially low rates and/or "free terminals." These offers are constantly advertised on the Internet. "Rates as low as" and "free terminal with every account" are just some of the offers. Don't be fooled. If you have reached this point in the guide, then you have educated yourself pretty well.

Go with a company that offers the latest technology. Do not pay extra fees or PCI compliance penalties because of obsolete equipment. Look for added value like loyalty programs, gift cards, check guarantee, online account access, POS systems. Other services and products like these can give you a competitive advantage. If you do not take advantage of them, your competitors certainly will.

Go with a company with a dedicated account executive. Ask the processor what happens if your account executive leaves?Go with a reputable company that tailors its processing to your business needs. Many merchants think they can solve this problem by going to their banks. Banks do not have the same control over merchant services like other products they sell. Most banks outsource their merchant services to big processors like First Data, Elavon, and Paymentech. As mentioned before, the banks want to profit off of you by making a profit from your business. Do not expect to get a good deal from your local bank. But do expect to get a sympathetic ear when something goes wrong. Do not expect your banker to be able to do something about it.

Second, your processor should be able to accommodate your needs. If you need next day funding, have large transactions, take advanced payments, or want to accept health savings cards or fleet cards, your processor should be able to work with you to create a plan that will meet your needs. If not, find a processor who can help you with these objectives.

Be wary of free terminal offers. As the sayings go, you get what you pay for and there are no free offers. Credit card terminals are not free to the processor and the processor will make sure it gets a return on the "free" terminal it gave to you. Find out what that cost is. The cost could be an obsolete terminal, a long-term commitment, or excessive penalties for non-return of equipment.

Keep searching. If you are not completely satisfied with your current processor, then change processors. The competition for merchant service accounts is fierce. You are in the driver's seat. The best advice when choosing a credit card processing company is picking a company which you believe has the most integrity and honesty. This will keep you in a good position over the long run. The Durbin Amendment Savings

Small businesses have received the biggest reduction in their credit card processing charges in the history of the electronic payment industry, but if they are set up correctly.

The Dodd - Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 included an amendment, the Durbin Amendment, which greatly impacts your credit card processing or more specifically your debit card processing charges. This Durbin Amendment affects both signature and pin based debt interchange rates by drastically lowering them as of October 1, 2011.

Merchants that process debit cards whether signature debit or pin debit will see huge savings on their merchant account processing statements in the future. Debit, both pin and signature, comprise nearly 50 to 70 percent off all card transactions. Merchants could see their credit card processing charges cut in half. That equals real savings.

Unfortunately, many merchants, who do accept a high percentage of debit cards, may not see any savings, because their current credit card processing plan does not allow for the Durbin Amendment reduction. Instead their debit interchange savings will be going to their processors.

This is especially true for merchants who are on 3-Tier and Enhanced BillBack pricing. Processors are not compelled by law to reduce the rates. They are only reducing one component of your rate, Interchange, but not the other two components, Visa/MasterCard assessment and the processor's percentage.

The reason is that under IC plus pricing, the processor is compelled to set the interchange rate at the current bank rate and then add his percentage on top. About Blindbid

Blindbid is a small business cost reduction company. We help you negotiate with the top processors to get the best deal. Our online forum allows the top credit card processors to bid for you business. The Blindbid process saves you both time and money in the following ways:

1. Lowest Rates -- Multiple processors will compete for your business.

2. Privacy Protection -- We really do take your privacy seriously. That's why we named our company, Blindbid. We "blind" (conceal) your contact information from our vendors. Only the vendor with the lowest bid will contact you, while you will have the choice of multiple vendors.

3. Control -- There is no haggling with vendors. You choose how many vendors you want to speak too.

4. The Most Reputable Vendors -- We've pre-screened and assembled the industries top processors, saving you valuable due diligence time.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Are Universal Prepaid Debit Cards Good for Our Economy? - Finance

Universal prepaid debit cards have become increasingly popular in our culture. If you are wondering what they are, they are basically credit cards attached to a savings account. There is some controversy about them though. Some people are concerned that illegal aliens or undocumented immigrants (depending on which side you pull for) are using them to legitimize their presence and open bank accounts where they otherwise would be unable to open one. Believe it or not, the loudest outcry is coming from the check cashing companies that have been "sticking it to" immigrants for years.

It seems that once the person initiates the account they can simply send their checks into the savings account and spend money on their universal prepaid debit card. The companies who promote the cards charge fees as well that is not too much different from the check-cashing places. The real difference is that this card that has a Visa insignia on it that can double as identification in most places that require two id's. Some of the companies that offer the universal prepaid debit cards are careless at best when verifying identification when setting up new accounts.The plus side to the debit cards is the ability to control cash spending with teens. If you have a daughter in college instead of giving her the Visa card for "emergencies" (like pizza and parties" you can put a pre-determined amount on her card. Regardless of which State she is in all you have to do is fund the card straight from your bank and she has cash within the hour. Another good thing is that the debit c ards offer people who are re-building their credit the ability to access the products and services that require a Visa or Mastercard.

It has almost reached the point that you have to have some sort of debit or credit card to operate normally in our society. This writer feels that the good out-weighs the bad in the larger scope of things. The main thing to do is make sure you get a good universal prepaid debit card when you apply. Rarely if ever do these companies perform a credit check to open an account but some cards tend to focus on the customers with no credit or bad credit.

Their advertising draws in people who feel as if they have nowhere else to turn and then they charge higher fees to open the account. We have found that regardless of your credit history or nationality even the best-prepaid debit cards will accept you. If you think about it they really do not have any risk they are just giving you back your money in an electronic format.

So my advice is to compare which card has the lowest fees and upfront charges. Many people will choose the card that looks the coolest or the one they heard advertised on the TV or radio. Some of the least known prepaid debit cards are offered by smaller banks to build up their deposit assets I suggest that you begin your search at a website that offers this kind of selection.

Prepaid Debit Card Offers: Are they Right for you? - Finance

If you have less-than-perfect credit, you may find it hard to get approved for a regular credit card. You still have some credit options, however. One of these is the prepaid debit card. Following is information on how this type of card works, its advantages and disadvantages, and two to consider applying for.

About Prepaid Debit Cards. Prepaid debit cards entered the market in the 1990s. They are similar, in some ways, to a prepaid phone card. You place money into your account, and then are able to make purchases. Once the balance runs out, you have to load more money into the account.

Loading money onto the card is fairly easy. Some cards let you call in and transfer money from one account to another. You can also load money by accessing your account online. The amount of money you put on the card becomes your credit limit.

Advantages of Prepaid Debit Cards. There are several advantages to this type of card. First of all, it is available for just about anyone over the age of 18. So if you have a history of poor credit, this may be a smart choice for you. You can use the card instead of carrying around cash. Paying with plastic is sometimes safer and easier when it comes time to check out.

Most prepaid debit cards are issued through Visa or MasterCard, which means they are widely accepted around the world. Since the credit limit is determined by the balance on the card, you do not have to make monthly payments. This saves you the hassle of bills and potential late fees.

Disadvantages of Prepaid Debit Cards. Many prepaid debit cards come with a number of attached fees. You might be charged an application fee, as well as a fee for monthly maintenance. Some also include a charge every time that you make a purchase.

These costs may seem steep; however, it is important to remember that this card is an option for you if you're having trouble getting approved for different forms of credit. By understanding the fees involved, you can make sure you use the card in a way to get the most out of it as possible.

Two to Consider: There are a variety of options available if you want a prepaid debit card. One of these is the READYdebit card issued by Visa. This card has a minimum amount of fees. You can load money for free through direct deposit and bank account transfers. Also, it advertises that all who apply will be approved.

Another option to look into is the Bank Freedom Prepaid MasterCard. No credit check is performed when you apply for this card. There are also very few fees involved. With both of these options, you can enjoy many of the benefits of a credit card without having to worry about having good credit in order to get approved.

If you decide to get a prepaid debit card, do some research before you apply for one. Look online at the different choices available. When you find one that fits your needs, fill out the application. The card will arrive in just a few days.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Direct Deposit and Prepaid Debit Cards - Finance

Prepaid debit cards, on the other hand, offer employers the ability to immediately transfer funds to employees anywhere in the world, and allow employees to quickly and easily access money in their home currencies, without the necessity of opening a foreign bank account. They are powered by your own money, so the amount you have on the card is the amount available to spend. But not limited to prepaid phone cards, and more particularly, to a package assembly and methodology for permitting activation the card at a point of sale from a remote location. Issuers point out that they can create conveniences for employers and employees beyond monthly payroll. Since this will be disbursed to workers at the place of employment, to business owners at the tax offices, and to the unemployed and dependent at the social assistance agencies, the reference income could be readily determined.

Direct deposit and prepaid debit cards, however, may be less than 50 cents per transaction. You have the freedom to make purchases anywhere at any time without carrying around too much cash. And are accepted at locations and shopping outlets. Since it carry a Visa insignia on them, people can use them any place that accepts Visa or Master Card. As with any card, they carry some limitations on usage. They are providing the cardholders with some of the best financial services. Some are offered by smaller banks to build up their deposit assets I suggest that you begin your search at a website that offers this kind of selection. In this way, the retail merchant need only pay the costs associated with the prior to the actual sale.

Prepaid debit cards work well with programs that allow an employee or benefits recipient to choose between direct deposit or check disbursement. Meta Bank specializes in prepaid debit cards for those with poor credit. They are sold by participating retail locations, banks and card companies, and are typically available without a credit check or prior bank account. Most consumer credit comes from banks, savings and loan institutions, credit unions, finance companies, and credit card companies check cashing payday loans money transfers bill payments money orders and many other services are offered by these financial. International It can be issued to just about anyone in the world without requiring credit, banking and employment history. Experts are predicting more growth, linked to flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts and health reimbursement arrangements. Debit News, the named defendants in the case have sold millions.

Loan to Value

Value equals the lower of appraised value or purchase price

Title I Improvement Loans Terms- customers come to money tree for check cashing payday loans money tree your cash solution. Some locations of some car rental companies do not accept prepaid debit cards. This takes all of two or three minutes to do and tend to be extremely convenient wherever they are sold and accepted. It looks like and acts a lot like one, too, but have a few important stopgaps that parents can appreciate. With the increased competition from companies like Master card and Visa along with major Banks are looking to for new innovative ways to generate awareness. This help you to control your spending. Treasury has begun to institute a new system in several states across the country, including Oklahoma.

Great progress has been made in the security of prepaid debit cards. Specifically, no banked individuals will be able to deposit and withdraw finance funds and utilize mobile payment technology to transfer funds, make instantaneous purchases, and accept payments using a cell phone. Although there are sometimes fees associated with them. Here are some of the advantages that are inherent. With auto sales falling and gas prices rising, General Motors and Ford are helping new customers pay for gas. You can find any bank you want from business, college students, general consumer, secured cards, we got it all.

The Unique Flexibility of Debit Cards - Finance

Debit cards are becoming very popular. A debit card is often tied in with a major credit card so they can be used like a credit card, however, unlike a credit card a person can only spend the amount of money they actually have. A debit card is tied into a persons checking account.

Basically the idea of debit cards is to reduce the need to write checks. With everything quickly becoming paperless this fits right in. Debit cards are also the persons ATM card. They can use them just like any other debit card. Unlike a credit card, though, as long as they use it at their banks ATM they will not receive additional charges for a cash advance because they are actually taking their own money out of the bank.

Distinguishing between a credit card and debit card is done in a few different ways. First of all, while the credit card logo is on the debit card, there is also usually the banks logo and the word 'debit'. However, a credit card and debit card do look familiar and usually only the person using the card knows it is a debit card not a credit card.

The main difference is the way the card works and where the money comes from. Debit cards can be used as either a debit card or credit card. Credit cards can only be used as a credit card. Debit cards do not carry a line of credit. The purchases made with a debit card can not exceed the amount of money a person has in their bank account. This is the main difference between a credit and debit card.

Another major difference between credit and debit cards is the risk involved. Because they are attached to a bank account, loosing a debit card is very risky. A person does not need a pin number to use a debit card and therefore can easily drain a persons bank account, causing extreme problems.

With a credit card the only problem is proving that someone else used the card. With a debit card the persons has to figure out how to get their money back and if any checks bounced they are responsible for those as well. The legal liability is much greater with a debit card than with a credit card.

The good thing about a debit card, though, is that it gives a person the freedom to use it anywhere credit cards are accepted. They liminate the hassle of having to write a check and show id. They are easy to use and accepted in a large variety of places.

Debit cards are convenient and easy to use verses checks or an ATM. They do have some risks, though. That makes it important for a person to use their debit card carefully and make sure they keep it in a safe place.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Facts You Might Not Know About Debit Cards - Finance

Debit Cards

America is quickly becoming a cashless society. Whereas it would have seemed odd, or even in poor taste to do so in the past, people routinely use plastic to pay for even the smallest purchases, such as a Slurpee from 7-Eleven. Almost all gas stations allow you to "pay at the pump," and even fast food restaurants began accepting "debit or credit" a few years ago. And that's not to mention the millions of cashless transactions that occur every day in cyberspace, through web sites like eBay,, and other popular e-tailers.

Clearly, having some form of cashless payment is essential to being a fully functioning American consumer these days, and millions of people are opting to use a debit card attached to their checking accounts rather than traditional credit cards. Is this a wise move?

Dr. Jekyll's Lovely Little Debit Card

The primary advantage of debit cards is that they give you access to cash. A little known fact about cash advances on traditional credit cards is that they begin accruing interest from the moment you get your hands on the money. This means that even if you paid last month's bill in full, you will still have interest charges on your next bill whenever you take out a cash advance. Debit cards allow you access to cash through ATM's at no interest - after all, it's your money.

The other major benefit of debit cards is that they're an option for credit constrained consumers. While it may seem like credit card companies will give cards to anyone, the truth is that once you make a serious mistake - such as falling behind on your card for a few consecutive months, resulting in a "charge off" - it can be very difficult to qualify for credit again anytime soon. Since some form of plastic is required for so many of life's necessities, debit cards offer these people a means of remaining viable members of our cashless society.

Mr. Hyde's "Instrument of Financial Death"

But there is a downside to debit cards, too. Consumer advocate, Howard Strong, even refers to debit cards as "financial death" cards. While his perspective may be a little over the top, he does cite several disadvantages of debit card usage in his 1999 book, What Every Credit Card User Needs to Know.

First, by using a debit card, you lose the advantage of using the credit card company's money interest free. This interest free period occurs from the time you make a purchase until the due date of your bill. If, for example, you used your credit card to buy a $2,500 sofa the day after receiving your statement, you would then have more than 30 days to come up with the $2,500 before being charged interest. If you used a debit card, you would have $2,500 sucked out of your account the moment you made the purchase.

Secondly, using a debit card typically has no positive impact on your credit. Credit card companies report payment information to the three major credit bureaus each and every month. When you pay your bills on time, it has a positive effect on your credit score. Debit cards don't utilize credit, so there's nothing for the bank to report - unless, of course, you overdraw your bank account and then are unwilling or unable to pay whatever egregious fees the bank charges. In this way, using a debit card can have a negative effect on your credit.

Finally, using a debit card puts you at more risk than using a credit card because it is easier to "stop payment" of erroneous or fraudulent charges with a credit card. When Mr. Strong wrote his book in 1999, this was more of a problem than it is today, since much has been done to improve the security of electronic transactions. Still, the fact remains that someone could use your debit card to empty out your bank account, and while you would almost certainly get your money back, it could take some time. Since credit cards have no ability to draw on your savings or checking, this possibility doesn't exist with them.

The Reality - You Need Both

If you can qualify for a credit card, even at a high interest rate, you should almost definitely have one. After all, credit cards help you build credit and the interest rate is irrelevant if you're responsible and pay your bills in full and on time. You should also have a debit card for getting cash quickly and easily without the up-front interest that credit cards charge on cash advances.

If you're really worried about the "Mr. Hyde" effects of debit card usage, consider opening a separate account tied to your debit card. You can set up automatic weekly or monthly transactions that move money from your primary account to this special account, so that the amount you could lose is always limited to $200, $500, or whatever you decide.

All About Debit Cards - Finance

What is a debit card?A debit card is a plastic card that's the same size and shape as a credit card. Debit cards work much the same way as an ATM card, with the added bonus of being able to use them everywhere you use a credit card. You can use a debit card for anything from paying a restaurant bill, to shopping online or purchasing concert tickets over the phone.The debit card is connected to your bank account. When you make a purchase with your debit card, the amount of money is automatically deducted from your bank account. Thus, the name "debit" which means subtract. How are debit cards different from credit cards?When you use a debit card, you must have sufficient funds in your bank account to cover the purchase. The money is instantly deducted from your account, so you can spend only as much as you have.A credit card, on the other hand, allows you to make purchases now that you can pay for later. The institution which issued you the credit card pays the store, then y ou repay the credit card company when your bill arrives. Credit cards come with a set spending limit, and you can continue to make purchases until you reach that limit, regardless of how much money is currently in your bank account. Should I use a credit card or a debit card?Both credit cards and debit cards offer a good deal of benefits and convenience. Which you should choose depends on your spending habits, lifestyle and your financial goals. Most people benefit from using both.Debit cards are convenient because they are widely accepted and you only spend the money you have. Because you use a secret pin number to verify the transaction, you don't have to show identification when you pay with a debit card. Also, there is no interest charged on purchases you make with a debit card.Credit cards are beneficial because using them responsibly boosts your overall credit score. The major credit card types are accepted virtually everywhere, so a credit card is the only form of pay ment you need in most situations. Some credit cards allow you to earn rewards, such as frequent flyer miles, when you make purchases. Credit cards also provide you with excellent fraud protection in the event that your card is lost or stolen.How can I compare debit cards online? Even though they all work the same way, debit cards can differ in specifics such as annual fees, transaction fees and whether or not they pay interest on a credit balance. Debit card options are becoming as plentiful as credit cards, so choosing the best one isn't as easy it use to be. Fortunately there are companies that recognised this need and stepped in to fill the void. To determine which debit card is right for you, you can now use an online comparison site. is a website that was created to enable consumers to compare debit cards side by side. A database pulls up a list of results based on the criteria you select. The results list allows you to directly compare each card, which is more convenient than switching back and forth between all of the different card issuers' websites. You can also click on the name of the debit card in order to learn more about it.

Another helpful feature of sites like Mozo is the ratings and reviews provided by fellow site users. Better than an advertisement, these reviews are objective assessments of people's real life experiences with the pros and cons of each card.

Once you've found the card you like best, you can apply online through the Mozo website. Mozo and other online debit card comparison sites are one-stop shopping for the card that make shopping more convenient!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

International Debit Card Parties - Finance - PersonalFinance

The international debit card continues to gain popularity and worldwide acceptance. As a matter of fact, many people now prefer using debit cards than credit cards as the former do not tempt the holder to make extravagant purchases. The advantages of using an international debit card may indeed outweigh those of the credit card but there are still some tricks that need to be understood to avoid making drastic mistakes with its use. Knowledge is the key to maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks of using an international debit card.

A holder or someone wanting to be an international debit card holder should fully understand the process. Through knowledge only can one make wise decisions and avoid falling into scams that might hurt or even incapacitate you financially. So know all you can about international debit cards and the debit process and debit network before trying to become a holder. One thing not to be overlooked is the parties involved in the international debit card system.

International Debit CardholderThe international debit card holder is the one authorized to hold a particular international debit card supported by an international debit card issuer, and registered to perform electronic purchase transactions. In laymans terms, the cardholder is the one who owns and has possession of the international debit card.

MerchantA merchant in the case of international debit cards is a seller of goods, services or information who is authorized and willing to accept international debit cards in payment for his goods, services and information. In an e-commerce sense, the merchant is a seller authorized to accept international debit cards through an electronic medium. A merchant may also be engaged in supplying electronic transaction services and electronic item delivery such as the transport of information.

IssuerAn issuer is a company or financial institution that provides international debit cards that support cyber transactions, thus issuers can also be called international debit card providers. Issuers are generally banks or savings and loan companies that issue magnetic strip payment cards. But there are also other companies who offer only the international debit cards and their partner bank provides the primary account. And the new ones are those that provide international debit cards along with a private freeze free offshore bank account.

AcquirerAn acquirer is a financial institution that processes international debit card payment transactions. Acquirers of cyberpayment cards like international debit cards must possess the necessary software and support technology and infrastructure to make certain the cyberpayments are executed securely and accurately.

Certification AuthorityA certification authority is a government or private agency that creates and distributes certificates of accreditation to international debit cardholders, merchants, issuers and acquirers to serve as symbols of their legal right to participate in the international debit card network. Since these certificates are the very core of cyberpayment and debit network security it is vital the certification authorities are highly trusted. Strict checks and regular inspection to ensure that the strict guidelines set for these authoritative bodies are constantly being followed and the minimum required standards are being kept.

Knowledge of the basics is always the best firm of knowledge and knowing the fundamentals should always go first.

Get the 2-GetCash international debit card now and change the way you shop forever.

International Debit Card Truths - Finance - PersonalFinance

The global financial crisis has overwhelmed the economies of all the countries of the world, nearly causing their complete meltdown. And as the economy seems to be heading down the drain comes the advent of international debit cards which continue to gain tremendous popularity.

International debit cards are regarded as the best things since credit cards. And it has just been confirmed that debit card transactions already exceed credit card charges since the final quarter of the year 2008. The consumers growing desire for better financial control is said to be the key driving force of the great amount of international debit transaction gains. The international debit card draws cash directly from the holders won checking account unlike credit cards which purchase by loans that may be carrying very high interest charges. In other words, international debit cards pose no threat of accumulating huge debt and incurring great interest costs.

The harsh environment brought about by financial crash has greatly urged the need to avoid excessive interest payments and has contributed much to the growing use of international debit cards. The Minimum CC Payment calculator downloadable through the Internet clearly shows just how big credit card interest charges can be. It should noted though that the use of international debit card also has risks, though these risks through proper information and caution can easily be overcome.

One of the most commonly brought up risks of using international debit cards is associated with the fact that the protection against unauthorized use of international debit cards is somewhat weaker than that of credit cards. Under federal laws, the cardholder is liable for no more than $50 in unauthorized transactions on a credit card. With a debit card, the $50 limit holds only if you report the card missing within two business days. If you dont, you could be liable for up to $500 in losses, or for unlimited losses if you get a statement showing the unauthorized transaction and wait more than 60 days longer to alert the bank. The said problem can easily be solved by safekeeping your international debit card as if it was cash.

The use of an international debit card also does not help the cardholder build up credit history and have a good credit score because a debit charge is not a loan. Credit score is important as it will be what determines if you will be granted any loans in the future. People build good credit scores by making on time mortgage and car loan payments, but it also makes sense to continue using a credit card for a few charges to maintain a flawless payment record. The best use for an international debit card in enhancing credit score is using it to keep ones credit card use well below the limit. The Payoff Credit Card calculator also downloadable in the Internet will help illustrate how an international debit card can help clear away credit card debt.

Since using international debit cards is cheaper than using debit cards the rewards international debit card providers offer to their holders tend to be much less generous than those of credit cards. Though most people think that the difference in rewards is nothing compared to the difference in annual charges, interest costs and late payment costs in which sense makes international debit cards better than credit cards.

Get the 2-GetCash international debit card now and enjoy the benefits of a great debit card without all the added charges.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Different types of Debit Card and Credit card - Finance - Credit

Life today to a large extent revolves around plastic money. Credit or debit cards are used to buy tickets, pay for holidays or purchases, and even pay college fees. Children are given a credit or debit card the minute they turn 18 and, more often than not they tend to keep the same card for many long years.

Each of these cards will require funds to be deposited in advance before using them, so what's the difference? The truth is there are some distinct differences that may work better for people from different walks of life. I have listed these differences below.

Prepaid Debit Cards:- Prepaid debit cards are a descendant of the secured credit cards that you are probably familiar with. Prepaid debit cards are just that, debit cards that have the Mastercard or Visa logo on them and are accepted worldwide. Much like your bank debit cards they deplete funds in your account as you use them, they do not require monthly payments and do not charge interest.

The major difference is how you qualify for one and how much it cost to use the card. Prepaid debit cards are not concerned with having card holders qualify for their cards. Most issuers do not verify employment, credit, addresses or even legal residency. This makes these types of cards very popular with immigrant workers in the United States illegally.

Debit cards are also more fee intensive than traditional secured credit cards. They have fees that are usually measured by transaction. Other fees include, loading fees, transfer fees, check deposit fees, annual fees and more. This is the price people have pay for convenience and anonymity. These cards will not report cardholder transactions to the credit bureaus, which is not ideal for those who are trying to establish credit.

In our society it is virtually impossible to live without some type of visa or Mastercard, debit cards fill this void. They offer a "de facto" banking system for those unable to qualify normally. They offer direct deposits for paychecks and many other features to a segment of society that traditional banks have left out in the cold. All in all, prepaid debit cards are pretty cool for some people.

Secured Credit Cards:- are credit cards that are specifically designed for people with bad credit. Most people that apply for these types of credit cards do so to build or rebuild their credit. The other advantages are they appear, look and act exactly like a regular credit card. Most prepaid cards are clearly marked as debit cards with outrageous designs and colors.

The price you pay for rebuilding your credit is interest. The worst thing is that you are paying interest on your own money! Unlike prepaid debit cards, secured cards usually carry pretty steep interest rate, usually around 15%. Secured credit cards are not usually "re-loadable". Meaning, once you make your initial deposit this becomes your "credit limit". Your payments will bring down the balance giving you more purchasing power.

Secured credit cards report to the credit bureaus exactly the same way a regular credit card does. Creditors that review your credit for purchases have no idea if your credit card is secured or not. Another thing to watch is that most people will fund their cards with money that they intend to use immediately. Meaning they send in $500 and expect to be able to go out and spend that $500 immediately on receipt of their card. This is not good borrowing practices and will actually bring down your credit score.

Student Card:- A student credit card is issued by Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express Card. These credit card giants and their associates generally fix a credit limit of around USD 500-1000 to begin with. While some grant a card without a guarantor others request the parent or guardian to cosign and agree to take on complete responsibility for the card.

A debit card is issued by Visa or Master Card and is prepaid. Such a card does not need a consignee and a debit card requires no credit history to be eligible. Further more, used up money can be replenished online, through an ATM, and via a phone. In the case of debit cards the bank or financial institution is not offering a credit line it is just issuing a card for the amount held in security by them.

Essentially, a debit card is a card that accesses your own money. It adjusts expenditure against money in your savings account or against the amount pre paid. In this case instead of paying cash you are swiping a card and paying out of money already held by you. On the other hand in the case of a credit card it is a buy now pay later business. It is a kind of borrowing where you promise to pay the credit card company in full or part when the money arrives. Interest on the amount spent is payable only if you do not settle the bill in full.

Debit or credit cards are universally accepted and one can even purchase plane or train tickets or pay for unforeseen medical or hospitalization expenses using them. They are extremely useful as a stand by and can be used to establish a good credit report and score. A student credit or debit card trains kids in the effective handling of finance and puts them on the path to becoming responsible adults.

International Debit Card Basics - Finance - PersonalFinance

An international debit card is a globally recognized plastic card that provides an alterative payment method to cash and checks in making purchases. Functionally, a debit card can be called an electronic check, as funds are directly debited from the holders related bank account. The use of international debit cards have gained great popularity over almost all countries of the world and in many of these countries have almost replaced the check and even cash on some instances for voluminous trade transactions.

International debit cards are also known as convenient ways of instant cash withdrawal, serving as the ATM card for withdrawing cash and at the same time a check guarantee card. Many merchants now offer cashback or cashout facilities to customers where the customer can withdraw cash together with their purchase through his debit card. International debit cards are now also means of protecting oneself from frozen bank accounts as offshore bank accounts under Panaman Laws are protected from the legislation of ones state.

Credit or Debit?For card holders, the difference between a debit card and a credit card is that the debit card deducts the balance from the holders deposit account while the credit card allows the consumer to spend on credit to the issuing bank. Stated differently, the debit card spends the money the holder has while the credit card spends money the issuing bank has. There are also combined credit+debit cards in which a debit card linked directly to a checking account serves as a debit card and credit card at the same time. The holder has the option whether the purchase he makes will be under a debit card or credit card system. If the holder uses it as a debit card the cost of purchase will be deducted from his bank account while if he opts to use it as a credit card the cost will be debited on the credit balance.

The debit networks usually require that a personal identification number be supplied while the credit networks typically require that purchases be made in person and often allow cards to be charged with only a signature, and/or picture ID.

An example of the front of a typical debit card: 1. Issuing bank logo 2. EMV chip 3. Hologram 4. Card number 5. Card brand logo 6. Expiry date 7. Cardholder's name

An example of the reverse side of a typical debit card: 1. Magnetic stripe 2. Signature strip 3. Card Security Code

Although many international debit cards are of the Visa or MasterCard brand, there are many other types of debit card, each accepted only within a particular country or region, for example Maestro and Solo in the United Kingdom, Interac in Canada, Carte Bleue in France, Laser in Ireland, EC Electronic Cash in Germany and EFTPOS cards in Australia and New Zealand. The need for cross-border compatibility and the advent of the euro recently led to many of these card networks (such as Switzerland's "EC direkt", Austria's "Bankomatkasse" and Switch in the United Kingdom) being re-branded with the internationally recognized Maestro logo, which is part of the MasterCard brand. Some debit cards are dual branded with the logo of the (former) national card as well as Maestro (e.g. EC cards in Germany, Laser cards in Ireland, Switch and Solo in the UK, Pinpas cards in the Netherlands, Bancontact cards in Belgium, etc.). The use of a debit card system allows operators to package their product more effectively while monitoring customer spending. An example of one of these systems is ECS by Embed International.

2-GetCash offers the same reliable and convenient international debit card without hidden, extra, annual, cash conversion or cash transaction charges. The only time you will be paying is when you buy the card and have your offshore bank account set up.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

The way to Decide on A Search Engine Optimization Company - Internet

Search Engine Optimization Philosophy

This is arguably probably the most essential factor when deciding which organization to work with to boost your on the web enterprise or brand identity. Employing a search engine marketing and advertising or placement business that only utilizes ethical search engine optimization techniques or "white hat" strategies will ensure that you reduce the potential risk of becoming dropped, removed, penalized, deleted, or banished from the search engines. Nobody enjoys waking up glassy eyed to the unfortunate reality of being "Google sacked" for breaking or bending the search engines' implicit rules or explicit terms of service.

Search Engine Optimization Methodology / Distinct Expertise

Can your professional Search engine optimization Business only optimize static sites constructed in simple HTML? An upstanding Seo organization will have experience working with websites in all the typical programming languages and technologies, PHP, ASP, ASPX, HTML, Cold Fusion, Flash etc.

Does your Search engine optimization Company have experience optimizing both static and dynamic web sites? Can your Seo Firm optimize using different e-commerce packages and interfaces including Monster Commerce, Yahoo Stores, OS Commerce,, Volusion?

Depth Of Optimization / Piecemeal Services

The most basic search engine optimization organizations about do not in fact perform search engine optimization at all- they're merely submission services which either manually or automatically submit your web site to numerous search engines or directories. Submission organizations are typically extremely inexpensive given that no actual coding, linking, or content development takes spot in your actual site. Typical pricing runs around $19.95 to $399 per month for these submission kind services.

A mid level optimization business gets their hands more firmly on the marketing and advertising manage by editing code, analyzing keywords, developing links, and adjusting / writing fresh content for your internet site. They also may do a pinch of off-site optimization, such as press releases, write-up submissions, and weblog writing. Normally, firms of this middle level range charge among $399 and $850 per month.

The highest level search engine placement firm performs the duties described for mid level optimization firms, but also is responsible for conversion tracking and analysis. The emphasis on off-site optimization is also a lot greater and time consuming. This indicates that high level optimization firms are essentially responsible for discovering what exactly is working and what's not working all through the entire customer encounter - from initial search by way of conversion. A lot more man hours per month also means a higher fee that search engine firms should charge to cover their expenses. The usual pricing range for these firms' are $850.00 all the way up to $10,000 per month, but on average, you'll be seeking at fees above the $1,000 a month range.

A piecemeal advertising and marketing business is one that treats numerous parts of an optimization campaign as separate entities. By way of example, an optimization organization might charge distinct fees only for "linking" or "content construction." This piecemeal approach may be detrimental. Profitable optimization will be the synergy of numerous efforts on several fronts, occasionally simultaneous, and often in succession. Piecing together different aspects of an optimization campaign typically reaps poorer results than a comprehensive strategy.

Program Of Evaluation / Reporting

The majority of search engine optimization firms cringe in the thought of empowering their customers to evaluate their function. An ethical search engine optimization firm does the opposite. There are four tools we recommend using in tandem to evaluate a search engine optimization company's function / efficiency.

1. Actual Time Statistics / Conversion Analysis Software

Being able to see visitors gains and conversions in actual time can be a helpful window in evaluating how your Seo Firm is performing. Getting the ability to see who's coming to your web site, from what search engines they are coming from, and also the precise keyword phrase used inside the search query is an essential tool.

two. Positioning or Visibility Reports

Getting emailed bi-weekly positioning reports on the particular key phrases that you are interested in ranking highly for can be extremely useful. A visibility percentage, which will be the percentage of folks that are locating you for keywords that are important for your business - on the Main Search Engines - Google, Yahoo, AOL, and MSN is also critical. Ensure your firm doesn't overdue the automated search engine queries nevertheless, the search engines could consider this spamming their databases.

3. Alexa Rating:

You'll be able to download the Alexa Toolbar correct now from This gives you a solid summary with the common targeted traffic trend over the last three months for your site when compared to other existing web sites. In case you have a brand new web site, odds are you currently won't even have an alexa rating or visible data at all. The alexa rating also shows you, in common terms, how your internet site stacks up- targeted traffic wise- in comparison to your competitors or industry affiliates. The lower your alexa rating the far more visitors your website is generating when compared to other web sites in the alexa universe. Please note, if your site has an alexa rating of "1" this does not mean you are probably the most visited site on the internet- it most most likely indicates that you are operating a Yahoo Store- in such a case, it's identifying Yahoo's overall visitors, and not your individual web site. A general tool like this can provide you with a quick o verall impression of site visitors growth and trends. Be careful though, the numbers are generalities (similar to the tv Nielsen Ratings) and not absolute figures.

four. Google PageRank

You can download the Google Toolbar right now by going to Click on the alternatives tab and check off the "display PageRank" measure. You will be able to see how Google is rating the significance of your web site on a scale of 0-10. As an optimization organization proceeds with your campaign you can check periodically to see how the number is growing. The typical site might see a PageRank enhance of one to two points over the course of an optimization campaign. Remember that it's simpler to enhance your PageRank in the lower ends with the spectrum. As you approach higher PageRanks it becomes far more hard for your rating to balloon.

Due Diligence: Corporate Objectives / Industry And Keyword Investigation

How does the Search engine optimization Firm you're taking into consideration perform its up front legwork concerning your organization, market and corporate objectives? Do they ask questions about:

What your corporate goals (each short and lengthy term) are, your business, your competition. What keywords are currently working for you? What PPC (Pay Per Click) words are at the moment efficient? What PPC engines (Adwords, Overture, MSN/Live) are currently powerful? How your site is created? Is your site dynamic or static?

What tools does your Seo Firm employ to perform its keyword investigation?

How about Wordtracker, WebCEO, or Keyword Elite? What concerning the basic Overture keyword suggestion tool or the generic Google keyword suggestion tool supplied by Adwords. Do they utilize a mixture of the simple tools? What about proprietary keyword analysis methodology? Do they've devoted tools which have been developed in-house, or by a third party?

Client to Account Manager Ratio

Not numerous Seo companies like to publicize their client to account manager ratio. This could be the ratio representing the number of clients that each and every account manager handles at any given time. The lower the amount of customers each and every account manager assists, odds are the far better the service along with the greater the level of individual attention. We suggest that a search engine optimization account manager supports much less than thirty customers at any given time.

Man-Hours Per Month

The quantity of man hours per month your Seo production department truly dedicates to your business is essential. It truly is a lot more than intelligent to ask for a monthly time allotment estimate before beginning an optimization campaign. What you expect to receive and what is really delivered should be appropriate in line.

Company Structure and Size

Does your Search engine optimization Firm consist of a laptop laptop or computer with your account manager working out of his basement sitting beside a salivating golden retriever? Is your Seo business a bureaucratic nightmare that forces you to fill out trouble tickets when you want support on the spot?

Your ethical search engine optimization firm needs to be somewhere within the sweet spot of not too small and not too huge. You want individual attention, but you would also like to know there's a lot more than one mind, calculating your next business moves.


Does your ethical search engine optimization firm have a solid management team? Do they have a management team at all? Are the firms that you are taking into consideration privately held or publicly traded? Will be the owner with the optimization business an absentee landlord or an active member of the Seo community? It really is not out of the question to ask for the curriculum vitae or resume of the powers that be, in fact, it makes best sense should you are entrusting this firm with not just your organization but your livelihood. Right after all, Search engine optimization practitioners have no board certification that you simply can rely upon to check their track record.

Reputation / Importance

Has your Seo Firm received several complaints via the Greater Company Bureau? Check the better enterprise bureau reports and see if you can find unresolved complaints. From time to time clients could file complaints, but we think it is the timely handling of these inquiries that are even more crucial when contemplating an optimization organization to function with.

Past Results / Business Seo Rankings

Every single Seo Company need to have detailed reports concerning past client successes. The reports need to consist of specifics as to optimization objectives and timelines. Reporting on past clients should also focus inside and among several industries. You must usually be conscious of a base point - exactly where a certain client started out prior to the optimization organization commencing an Seo campaign. Is the Search engine optimization firm itself performing poorly inside the search engines? A low Google PageRank (below a 5) could be an indication your Seo firm hasn't been about for as long as one may possibly like.

References / Business Shelf Life

Each Search engine optimization firm need to have solid references across industries and fields in each enterprise to consumer industries together with business to organization arenas. References should stem from not just the past six months, but really should originate from years prior to your introduction using the firm. If your Seo firm performs top quality function, clients should be about for years to sing their praises.

Expenses / Pricing Structure / Up front Fees

Costs ought to be consistent with the service that the firm is offering- a la the "Consistent Value Proposition" taught at Yale School of Management. A $49.00 a month campaign run by a credit card firm that doesn't specialize in search engine optimization may possibly not be the optimal selection for an in depth or high level optimization campaign. An Search engine optimization organization really should also only offer costing right after they've a clear understanding of your organization, objectives, along with the function involved. Blanketed cost structures can result in frustration, unrealized expectations, and ultimately failure. Also be concerned if your optimization firm demands a full six month payment up front to be able to simply "get began."

The perfect optimization company charges an up front fee and monthly recurring fee which is commensurate using the services which are in fact being performed. A top quality optimization firm that works in your web site utilizing 30-60 man-hours per month can't possibly charge a $49.00 every thirty days to perform its services.


A nasty case of the bird flu hits your unsuspecting account manager proper where it counts! Does your optimization business have the ability to smoothly transition the present state of your campaign to one more qualified optimization expert? Every single Search engine optimization organization should have a method in location where understanding about existing accounts may be effortlessly disseminated from 1 individual to the subsequent. If there does take place to be a catastrophe concerning your account manager, you need to really feel comfy that your enterprise continues to prosper regardless of the circumstances.

Top quality Control

Every Seo organization really should have an individual overseeing your account manager to ensure that every last "i" is dotted and every last "t" is crossed. Your account manager should be responsible for the success of your campaign, but an added set of eyes can occasionally be necessary to add 1 much more factor weighing in in your side of achievement.

Promises / Results Timeline

We've heard Seo companies promise 1st page listings in Google for competitive phrases within 48-Hours. If your Search engine optimization sales representative is overzealous and unrealistic, it ought to be a sign that this is most likely a firm to steer away from. Gaining search engine listings could be a hard fought, time intensive battle that comes from each diligent function and intelligent planning.

Production Staff Quality

Production staff must be divided in between account managers and specialized production technicians. Account managers are the hub of an optimization campaign direction and implementation. Account managers needs to be able to perform all the actual coding, linking, and content construction for every client. As an optimization campaign progresses and increases in complexity, they needs to be in a position to call upon their support staff or production department to complete specialized function orders for each and every client. The a lot more specialized each member with the production department, the far more effective they will be at completing their work (thank Henry Ford for this).

Location / Proximity

Whenever you call your account manager or Search engine optimization business do you listen to a curious two beeps prior to becoming connected to an individual working with out air conditioning overseas? Not an excellent sign. It truly is imperative which you hire a search engine placement firm whose sales force works in tandem with its production department. There ought to be no disparity among what you had been sold and what was truly delivered. The Seo guru working in your account must be able to realize your enterprise, business, and firm goals quickly, without any overseas static jamming up communications.

Are you ready to buy consumer electronics online? - Business - Sales

Never has been a better time to buy consumer electronics online than now. There is more selection than ever, and merchants are coming up with such sweet deals it is almost impossible to ignore them. The cyber competition is fierce, and the only way retailers can compete, and really grab the attention of consumers is by slashing prices and delivering quality service.

When you are in the market for a new TV, MP3 player, or GPS navigational system, you can either spend several afternoons checking out your local electronics stores, or you can sit back on your couch with your computer and browse the Internet. Imagine, there will be no need to put on your sun block, rubber boots, or snowsuit, as your local weather conditions will not bother you. You just sit back with a cup of coffee or a pint of beer and shop to your heart's content.

Taking advantage of online shopping is not only convenient and fun; as a smart consumer you will also save lots of money. All that is required of you is to start a search by typing in the item, the model number, and brand you are interested. In seconds, a list of retailers offering this product will show up. Your job will then be to check them all out, compare the offers and decide which shop is offering the best deal. Can it be any simpler?

Anyone buying consumer electronics online has to realize how important pricing is. Saving a few dollars here and there can make a big difference in your spending budget. Sure, checking out all these websites will require a bit of effort, but will be worth it in the end. To help you in your search, you could also take advantage of comparison sites. These websites are created just for the purpose of bringing free, unbiased information about products, services, sellers, and merchants, so consumers can make an informed decision before finalizing a purchase.

New shoppers of electronics online should not only pay attention to merchandise pricing, but also the shipping and handling charges. These fees are not standardized and can vary wildly. Compare them among the vendors on your list, because inflated shipping charges will reduce your overall savings drastically. Even if the product price is appealing, walk away from the deal if the shipping and handling charges are expensive, and you find too many bad reviews about the company's customer service department.

Another aspect electronics fans should take into consideration is their privacy and security. In general, your personal information is safe, but that should not be a reason for you to give more details than absolutely necessary. Only list your credit card information on a secure page, and if possible, use one-time credit card numbers. If your bank does not offer that type of service, only use a credit card with a low credit limit. In addition, sign up for fraud and identity theft insurance.

Last but not least; familiarize yourself with return policies when shopping for consumer electronics online. Many online shops charge a "restocking fee" of as much as 30 per cent of the item price. That is a heavy penalty you can avoid by doing your homework before filling up your shopping cart. Read all the policies on the site, and ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable with the merchant, as well as the product. Being fully prepared is the best way to avoid disappointment. It is time well spent!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Credit Repair Tutorial - Statutes of Limitation Overview - Finance - Credit

Do Your Homework

Collection letters, often familiar to those starting credit repair programs, can be disturbing. But before jumping to a conclusion take a moment to do your homework. Read a good book on the subject. Consider taking an online credit repair tutorial. Collectors make mistakes. A large percentage of collection letters are sent in error, often to the wrong party, or for debts that have already been paid. Many more are sent for debts that are past the statute of limitation (SOL).

The Power of SOL

Debts past the SOL are collectible by definition, but the collector has no real leverage. The SOL is the length of time a collector can sue you. Or more precisely, if they sue you after the expiration of the SOL you can overturn the case by showing expiration of the SOL. In most cases, if you tell a collector that you are aware that a debt is past the SOL they will become very accommodating.

Your Choices

If you are contacted by a collector for a debt that is beyond the SOL you have no cause for fear. Use what you learned about the SOL from your studies or a good credit repair tutorial to gain an edge in negotiating a payoff, or if you are not ready to pay you may choose to utilize another credit repair tool, the cease communication letter, which will put an end to the hassle.

Do the Research

Statutes of limitation have no bearing on reporting period limits and are almost always less than seven years. SOLs are state and debt type specific. You will need to look up your applicable SOL on the Internet. Here also a decent online credit repair tutorial can be helpful.

A Caveat

Be aware that you may need to check SOLs for both your state of residence and the state in which you entered in to the contract. Collectors apply the SOL of your current state of residence for credit card debt. But written contracts, like car loans are different, and allow collectors to choose between your current state of residence and the state of contract, so check both.

Walk With Caution

As a further footnote of caution, collectors have the uncommon ability to be aggressive. When dealing with a collector, be prepared. As a popular credit repair tutorial has noted, they are trained to be assertive and to manipulate your emotions. If you find yourself losing control of the conversation do not be afraid to hang up, regroup and try again another day.

Copyright 2010 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.

Click Mouse To Pay Your Bills - Online Bad Credit Payday Loan - Finance

Gone are the days when people use to travel a lot for meeting loan lenders to get the loan quotes and packages to suit their needs. It requires lot of time and energy as there is no alternative available at that time. But as the internet revolution took place, loan lenders have come up with the concept of online loans. Online bad credit payday loans are one such form of loans for meeting your expense.

Online bad credit payday loans are for bearing the routine expenses of the people between their paydays when they are over with their funds. This happens when some urgent need arises like expenses on car breakdown, health expenses on family members, paying school fee of children, house rent, electricity and water bills, dining out with family or relatives, or it can be any other requirement which can't wait longer. Online bad credit payday loans give you financial support when you really need it. Also known as no fax payday loans, cash advance loans, pay check advance loans these are easily available online saving your time and energy in personally visiting lenders.

Online bad credit payday loan are for meeting your short term requirements and ranges between 100 to 1000. The repayment term for such loans varies between 7 to 14 days. The borrower has the option to either repay the loan or extend the repayment term by paying certain fee to the lender. But extension is not recommended as these loans carry higher rates and its better to repay them as early as possible.

The benefit of no credit check makes online bad credit payday loans attractive. People with bad credit which includes defaulters, arrears, CCJ's and IVA's, bankrupts etc can easily apply for such loans.

Online bad credit payday loans can easily be searched by surfing along numerous loan websites available. These websites provides you free loan quotes. You can compare these online bad credit payday loan quotes with the help of online comparison tools. Tools such as debt and repayment calculators, repayment tables, budget planners etc are also available on these websites. Using such tools you can get a better understanding of loan quote and your situation.

The application process for online bad credit payday loans is quite simple and easy. The application requires you to fill details such as your name, address and contact information, phone numbers and email ID's, citizenship, employment status and monthly income, loan amount required. It just takes 15-20 min for the complete application process. The best feature of these which is fast approval ensures that the money is deposited into your bank account within a period of 24 hours....isn't that fast??? Yes, it is as needs can't wait longer. Online bad credit payday loan are easy and fast financial support for your urgent needs.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Find the Perfect Holiday Gifts with Sports Equipment Online - Sports

Are you looking for the ideal Christmas gift for a sporting friend? Do you have a son or daughter who'd love new volleyball gear or equipment for tennis for the holidays? You can buy all sorts of sports equipment online and make their holiday extra special. These tips can help ensure that you get the best deals for the highest quality sports equipment online.

Find out What Pieces of Equipment They Need

Before you buy, do a bit of investigative work to find out what your friend needs - and if he has a preference in brands. Buying a baseball bat may seem simple on the surface, but many players have particular likes and dislikes. When it comes to baseball equipment, for example, there are aluminum bats and wood bats, and baseball bats in many different weights and lengths. If you're not sure - especially if you're buying sports equipment for a youth - you can always ask the coach of his team about the best choices.

If You're Buying Wearable Sports Equipment, Check Sizes

It can be more difficult to return things that don't fit when you buy sports equipment online, so check sizes before you buy. Most online stores provide size charts to help you choose the right size for youth football equipment, baseball gloves and other types of sports equipment where fit is important.

Research Online Before You Buy

If you're not familiar with the best brands of sports equipment, you'll find guides to buying gear for just about any sport your friend plays. In addition to the guides, you can check online forums where sports enthusiasts compare gear and rate the best brands and styles. Take the time to do some research to avoid disappointment.

Shop Around to Find the Best Prices

It's far easier to compare prices when you shop for sports equipment online than when you shop in brick and mortar stores. You don't have to drive from mall to mall, or, for that matter, even leave your chair. A search for soccer equipment, youth football gear or any type of sports gear you want will turn up many sites where you can check prices and find the best prices for the sporting gear you want to buy.

Shop on Secure Sites

Online shopping is as safe as shopping on the mall, as long as you take a few precautions. Always check out the site where you're shopping before you enter any personal information. Look for a physical address and a telephone number you can call if there are problems with your order, and look for signals that their order pages are secure. You can safeguard yourself further by shopping with a credit card rather than a debit card. Credit card companies often offer protections that most debit cards don't provide, and a credit card doesn't give anyone access to your bank account.

If you're looking for the perfect gift for your sports-minded friend, you'll find the best deals on sports equipment online. From wrestling equipment to tennis rackets, there's a great selection at the best prices anywhere on just about any kind of sports equipment imaginable.

The Secret World of Prepaid Debit card Marketing - Business - ECommerce

When you think about the prepaid debit card market a lot of great things come to mind right off the bat. Many people love the idea of being able to buy the card at most stores, then adding money to it like a gift card so they can use it to buy things online without risking their identity. Others love the idea of prepaid cards because they allow people to give money as a gift without handing people cash. Its psychologically more impressive to get a credit card than cash, but still feels like a gift, not a payoff. Kids love them because it makes them feel grown up.The most interesting thing about the prepaid card to me is the evolution of this industry. The prepaid card started at banks around Christmas time several years ago as a way to resolve the bad gift concept and to give the gift of choice, to allow people to give a gift but allowing the recipient to go shop for their own gift, hence the perfect gift every time. This became a great thing for office parties and gift ex changes because you may not really know the person your buying for so you can take the 25.00 limit and just get a gift card, problem solved! People with a lot of people on their shopping list could save time by getting several prepaid visa cards as well!The banks didnt anticipate this concept becoming the phenomenal market it is today, and in fact it wasnt the banks that banked on the most profitable part of this idea- marketing it was the startups.Several companies started offering these prepaid debit cards to help rebuild your credit while shopping safely. Money on the card was insured and secure from fraud so it became safer than carrying cash. As the market grew stores started to follow suit, offering their own versions of branded prepaid cards.Some are in store only cards (gift cards with no debit feature and only work in that particular store) while others are prepaid debit cards with the express idea of giving that store free advertizing because their brand adorns th e card and every time you pull it out to spend money you put on the card, your flashing their brand advertisement!To entice you to use their card they often add features like giving you 20% off at their store, or cash back on your purchases. Some even network with several stores to offer you discounts if you use the prepaid debit card in the stores listed on the back. Although you could use the card anywhere Visa or MasterCard are accepted, you save money if you use it at those stores. This is a nice way to get you to go to their store due to a perpetual and universal 20% off sale based on the percentage off on anything you buy there.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Visa Prepaid Debit Cards - Good News for the Credit Challenged - Finance - Credit

With the current state of the economy you can't afford to fall into the credit trap. Visa Prepaid Debit cards offer a great alternative to credit cards and allow you full acess and control of your finances.

If you have taken a few shots to your credit report in the last couple of years, and lets face it - who hasnt, then you should look at Visa prepaid debit cards as a way to get your financial house back in order. During times of economic duress people get tempted to use their credit cards and usually end up maxing them out. If you are one of these people and are having a hard time getting new credit cards or are looking for a way to avoid further falling into the credit abyss, then you need Visa debit card.

Using Visa prepaid debits cards can be a great way to enjoy all of the benefits of a traditional credit card without the hassles or the cost. With prepaid debit cards there are no fee, interests or penalties because you are the one in control of your spending limits. No one but yourself tells you what to do. This can be a very good thing. And, if you are worried about being approved for a Visa prepaid debit card, dont be. Approval is fast and easy with Visas online application process. No credit checks and no income verification means that you can be up and spending with your Visa prepaid debits cards just as quickly as you can fund them.

Being in control of your own finances will keep you from falling further into the perils of bad credit and with Visa prepaid debit cards you can even start to repair your credit. Since you cant overspend, you wont be subject to any more hits to you credit score, especially if you use your Visa prepaid debit card for all your purchases. Showing fiscal responsibility and the desire to get back on track will go far in repairing your credit.

You can use Visa prepaid debit cards in all of the places you can use a credit card too. Wherever Visa is honored whether it is online or in the real world you can make purchases. There are literally thousands of Visa vendors all over the world you can buy from. Its safe too online or in person. Since you control how much money is in your account, you can keep a minimum to lessen your risk of exposure to thievery without fear of penalty. The road to recovery is in your hands and using Visa debit cards is smart.

Finding (and Getting) The Best Prepaid Debit Card - Finance - Credit

Finding (and Getting) The Best Prepaid Debit Card

One tremendous advantage of prepaid credit and debit cards is that they are available even to people with poor credit histories. Even though they are easily obtained because of the pre-payment requirements, it is not wise to get a prepaid card if you are unable to keep track of purchases or hold to a budget. On the other hand, when you are ready to start learning responsible financial behavior, a prepaid debit card, specifically, can be a real help.

The terms "credit" and "debit" actually become moot when discussing prepaid cards, because whether there is a Visa or MasterCard logo, or some other company name one them, they all operate the same way. You deposit funds, and those funds are what are available for you to spend. One card, the All-Access Prepaid MasterCard, is ideal for occasional use with no monthly fee, no minimum balance to maintain and no bank account required. It is "reloadable" via various means, up to a high deposit amount of $10,000.

Various features distinguish the best cards

Like most prepaid cards, the All-Access Card also safeguards the user from overdrafts and bounced checks because of the prepayment requirements. And as with all modern credit and debit cards, there is complete protection against unauthorized use. If you are building your credit back up following some financial reversals, the All-Access card is one your should definitely consider, as it has all the benefits you need for spending flexibility, without the pitfalls of high interest or spending limits.

The Wired Plastic Prepaid Visa has very modern features, and is even usable nationwide on the new:"tap-n-pay" payment terminals. As opposed to basic, stripped down prepaid cards, the Wired Card has a rewards program that earns you a point for every dollar spent, redeemable for wireless airtime, music downloads and long-distance phone calls. You can even set this youth-oriented card up to receive mobile or email alerts about your balance, purchase history and reward point accruals.

Big names enter the card games

America's best-know "money sending" company is just one of many large, recognizable names that has entered the prepaid segment of the credit card market. After a short, easy application-with no credit check and no bank account required-the card can be loaded with cash at any of over 48,000 company locations nationwide. You can even deposit your paycheck directly to your card, keep in touch with your balance via phone and Internet and receive corroborating text messages to your mobile device following every purchase you make. Now that's security, especially for those who need to learn stricter financial habits.

There are many prepaid cards, with and without the major Visa, MasterCard and Discover logos, and they offer a sometimes confusing range of options and services. It definitely pays to do your homework on these kinds of credit cards, but a little shopping around-and a decent amount of number-crunching-you should be able to get into a prepaid debit (or credit) card that has the best array of services and features for you.

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After founding his first security firm in 1990, Scott McQuarrie built several security-related companies into regional and national powerhouses over the ensuing years. Since 2000 he has focused his sales and marketing efforts on the Internet, which opened up a virtually unlimited, international market for his flagship product line, EZWatch Pro.

The EZWatch Pro brand has come to stand for world-class expertise in electronic security, video surveillance and the myriad technologies involved in both fields. From small houses to gigantic international airports, there is an EZWatch Pro solution to meet any and every residential, business, commercial and government security challenge.

Article Source: /?expert=Scott_McQuarrieRE-PUBLISHED BY: - EXPERT Debt,mortgage,loan and credit card advice.